50+ Amazing Random Mind Blowing Facts | Facts That You Never Knew- igshockingfacts

The world we live in is full of Amazing and Random Facts you never knew.

Some of these facts are common knowledge, like never eating yellow snow, whilst some are rather unknown knowledge, like the fact that cheetahs love the smell of Calvin Klein fragrances.

Today we make these unknown facts, known! Hopefully you’re ready to retain some knowledge because we’ve got a treat for you today!

Pull Up Chair And Get Comfortable And Enjoy This Amazing Random Facts !!!


 Oranges were originally green.

Oranges were originally green.

The first oranges ever imported from to the West were from Southeast Asia and were tangerine-pomelo hybrids that were green in color.

In fact, oranges grown in warmer parts of the world such as Vietnam and Thailand stay green throughout their lifetime.


Russia has more surface area than Pluto.

Russia has more surface area than Pluto.

With 6,601,668 square miles of land mass, Russia beats Pluto’s 6,427,805 square miles of surface area, and dwarfs the world’s second biggest country, Canada, which has a land mass of 3,855,103 square miles.


There is no specific time zone at the South Pole.

There is no specific time zone at the South Pole.

This is because all the longitude lines on the planet meet up there (because the planet isn’t flat, yo).


The first ever 3D film was released in cinemas in 1922.

The first ever 3D film was released in cinemas in 1922.

Released in September of that year, The Power of Love was a silent film and was released in cinemas worldwide.


Surfer slang “hang ten” means having all 10 toes over your board’s edge when riding a wave.

Surfer slang 'hang ten' means having all 10 toes over your board's edge when riding a wave.
This is a move that can usually only be done on a heavy longboard.


There was a type of Pterodactyl with a bigger wingspan than a fighter jet.

There was a type of Pterodactyl with a bigger wingspan than a fighter jet.

The remarkable beast’s remains were dug up in Romania.Standing as tall as a giraffe, it’s believed the flying reptile would have weighed about half a ton.

With a wingspan of 39 foot, it would have been bigger than the roughly 33-foot wingspan of an F16 fighter jet.


The Burj Khalifa is so tall you can see two sunsets from it in one day.

Scientists genetically modified goats to spin spider silk from their udders.

You can see the sunset happen at ground level, and then if you get the elevator all the way up the building you can see it set again from the top.


The British Queen’s handbag is a body language communication device.

The British Queen's handbag is a body language communication device.

It is used by her to relay secret and silent messages to her staff.

For example, if she is finished speaking to a guest she will move it from one arm to another and her aides will politely end the conversation, or if she wants to abruptly end a conversation she will put her bag on the ground.

#9/Broccoli is a “man-made” food.

Broccoli is a ‘man-made’ food.

So human’s just engineered broccoli out of nowhere? Nope.

Well, not exactly.

Broccoli only came about after years and years of selective breeding between wild cabbage plants that started around the 6th century BC.

In fact, the word “broccoli” comes from the Italian for “the flowering crest of a cabbage”.


High heels were originally men’s shoes.

High heels were originally men’s shoes.

High heels came into circulation on the shoe circuit in roughly 10 BC.

They were worn by men of the Persian Cavalry to help their boots stay in their stirrups when riding horses.


Bowler Hats were originally invented as safety hats.

Bowler Hats were originally invented as safety hats.

Bowler Hats were designed by London hatters Thomas and William Bowler (hence the name).

The hat was invented to keep horse riders’ heads safe from branches and other obstacles.


“OMG” was first used in writing in 1917.

“OMG” was first used in writing in 1917.

Although people might have said it before then, the popular acronym for “Oh My God” was first used in writing in a letter to Winston Churchill in 1917.It was used by John Arbuthnot Fisher, a retired Admiral of the British Navy, who said in his letter “I hear that a new order of Knighthood is on the tapis, O.M.G. (Oh! My God!)”.


There is a smoke alarm for the deaf.

There is a smoke alarm for the deaf.

Invented by a team of Japanese scientists and engineers, this lifesaving device works by spraying vaporized wasabi into the air, which notifies deaf people of a fire – it will even wake them up if they’re sleeping!

This invention won one of the IG Nobel Prizes in 2011, a spoof of the Nobel Prizes, for inventions that “first make people laugh, and then make them think”.


Peanuts, walnuts, almonds, cashews and pistachios aren’t nuts.

Peanuts, walnuts, almonds, cashews and pistachios aren’t nuts.

They’re classed as seeds, because a nut is defined as “a hard-shelled dry fruit or seed with a separable rind or shell and interior kernel”.


Armadillos have shells so hard they can deflect a bullet.

Armadillos have shells so hard they can deflect a bullet.

One poor Texan man learned this the hard way when he shot at an armadillo only to have the bullet ricochet off the indestructible beast, and back at him into his jaw! The man was airlifted to hospital.

Amazingly, the armadillo just walked off unscathed.


Only a quarter of the Sahara Desert is sandy.

Only a quarter of the Sahara Desert is sandy.

Most of this gargantuan desert is covered in gravel, although it also has its own mountain ranges and oases.

Also, it isn’t the world’s largest desert, because


Antarctica is the world’s largest desert.

Antarctica is the world’s largest desert.

The Antarctic Polar Desert covers the Antarctica continent and covers roughly 5.5 million square miles.

The Sahara Desert covers roughly 3.6 million square miles.


Your nose and ears never stop growing.

Your nose and ears never stop growing.

They are the only two parts of your body that keep growing when all your other features’ growth comes to an end.


The Eiffel Tower “grows” in the summer.

The Eiffel Tower ‘grows’ in the summer.

Due to the heat expansion of the tower’s iron in the summer sun, the Eiffel Tower’s height can grow by up to 6 inches!


Bees can fly higher than Mount Everest!

Bees can fly higher than Mount Everest!

Bees can fly at levels up to 29,525 feet above sea level – higher than the planet’s tallest Mountain!


Until 2015, it was illegal to dance in Japan after midnight.

Until 2015, it was illegal to dance in Japan after midnight.

This was a law introduced in 1948 to crack down on dance halls that acted as fronts for illicit activities and it was only revoked in 2015.


In Tokyo, Japan, there is a hedgehog cafe.

In Tokyo, Japan, there is a hedgehog cafe.

You can go to this establishment and pay 1,000 Yen to go in, have a cappuccino and play with and cuddle some amazing hedgehogs!

Just be careful when you’re cuddling them because they aren’t exactly soft and fluffy!


The smallest dinosaur ever discovered is only 16 inches long.

In Tokyo, Japan, there is a hedgehog cafe.

Discovered in China, the Microraptor is one of the most recent dinosaur discoveries and is the smallest ever found.

Most of the specimens that have been found have also been fully grown, so the baby Microraptors would have been even smaller!


The letter ‘E’ is the most common letter in the English language.

The letter ‘e’ is the most common letter in the English language.

It appears in roughly 11% of all words used in the English language, and is used 12 times in this very sentence alone!


A female Gladiator was called a Gladiatrix.

A female Gladiator was called a Gladiatrix.

Gladiatrices (plural term there peeps) were much the same as their male counterparts and would fight each other for the glory of their masters and the entertainment of the crowds.

However, for some reason, very little history or knowledge of them survived – save for a few accounts written by members of Rome’s elite.


Koalas have unique fingerprints.

Koalas have unique fingerprints.

So do chimpanzees and gorillas.

However koala fingerprints are so similar to human fingerprints that even the most seasoned forensic scientists would have a hard time telling a koala fingerprint from a human one.


There are sharks which can live for up to 500 years.

There are sharks which can live for up to 500 years.

Greenland Sharks have the longest known lifespan of all vertebrate animals.

Bonus fact: They don’t even reach sexual maturity until they are roughly 150 years old!


Natural bananas contain seeds inside of them.

Natural bananas contain seeds inside of them – some of which take up most of the banana!

The reason your store-bought bananas are nice, soft and seed free is because they have been specially bred over generations so that they do not form mature seeds.

The most common banana, the Cavendish, traces its selectively-bred lineage all the way back to 1834!



In Bosnia, Serbia and Montenegro you can legally vote at 16.

In Bosnia, Serbia and Montenegro you can legally vote at 16.

However, that’s only if you’re employed.

If you’re unemployed, then the minimum voting age is 18, much like the rest of the world.


Sharks are older than trees.

Sharks are older than trees.

Sharks have been about on this planet for roughly 400 million years, which is about 50 million years longer than trees!


Scientists in California created a machine to harness power from snowfall.

Scientists in California created a machine to harness power from snowfall.

The machine worked by using negatively charged silicone to catch positively charged snowflakes, which created a static electric effect that was then harvested.

Impressive, yes, but a little fruitless in California right?


An ant can’t die from falling.

An ant can’t die from falling.

Because of their incredibly small weight and rock-hard exoskeleton, an ant’s terminal velocity isn’t enough to harm it upon impact.

Simply put, they could survive being dropped from heights like the Empire State Building and walk away unscathed.


Before trees existed, Earth was covered with giant white mushrooms.

Before trees existed, Earth was covered with giant white mushrooms.

These huge fungi were 24 feet tall and three feet wide, and covered most of the Earth’s surface before trees existed.


Soviet Cosmonauts took shotguns to space with them.

Soviet Cosmonauts took shotguns to space with them.

This wasn’t to fight off any capitalist aliens they might encounter in space…

It was for when they returned to Earth in case they landed in Siberia and had to fend off hungry bears.


Jackie Chan sung the theme songs for all his films in the 1980s.

Jackie Chan sung the theme songs for all his films in the 1980s.

Nope, it’s not a different Jackie Chan, it’s the two-parts martial arts and one-part comedy fellow y’all know and love.

However, Jackie Chan is quite the singer as well as a fist-slinger.

In 1984, he won the Japanese Best Foreign Singer Award, has sang in over 5 languages on over 100 songs, and sang at the Beijing Summer Olympics opening ceremony in 2008!


You’re more likely to get bitten by a person than a shark.

You’re more likely to get bitten by a person than a shark.

Especially in New York City, where the annual number of people-on-people bites is 10 times higher than the annual number of worldwide shark bites!


Dogs can learn up to 250 words and gestures.

Dogs can learn up to 250 words and gestures.

The average intelligence of a dog is akin to that of a two-year-old human child.

You may also like these 100 amazing facts about dogs & puppies!


Fried chicken originated in Scotland.

Fried chicken originated in Scotland.

It was a Scottish tradition from the Middle Ages to deep fry chicken.

The Scots bought this dish over to the Americas with them when immigrating to the Southern United States where it became a staple of American cuisine.


Avocados never ripen on trees.

Avocados never ripen on trees.

Because of this, farmers often use the avocado trees as a form of storage to keep their fruit fresh until they are ready to pick it and sell it.


The slang term for dollars, “bucks”, originates from the early 1700s.

The slang term for dollars, 'bucks', originates from the early 1700s.

It refers to deer skins from male deer, or bucks as they’re commonly known.

This is because during these early times, deer skins were used as an informal currency.

In fact, a diplomat in 1948 noted that 5 Bucks would buy you a cask of whiskey.


40 million years ago penguins were 6 feet tall.

40 million years ago penguins were 6 feet tall.

This was discovered from bones found at Seymour Island dating back to 37 – 40 million years ago.

These gigantic penguins would have weighed up to 250 pounds!


Beer was classified as a soft drink in Russian until 2011.

Beer was classified as a soft drink in Russian until 2011.

Before 2011, anything with less than 10% alcohol was classified legally as a soft drink.


25% of all mammal species on Earth are bats.

Beer was classified as a soft drink in Russian until 2011.

There are a whopping 1,200 different types of bat!

They range in size from a Bumblebee Bat – the world’s smallest mammal – all the way up to the Giant Golden-Crowned Flying Bat which has a huge wingspan of almost 6 foot!


Jellyfish are 95% water.

Jellyfish are 95% water.

Not surprising, given that they have no brain, no blood and no heart!

The other 5% is made up of what little solid mass jellyfish possess.


On statues, a horse’s legs tell you how the statue figure died.

On statues, a horse’s legs tell you how the statue figure died.

If a horse has both its front legs in the air, then the person died in battle.

If the horse has one of its front legs in the air, they died of wounds received from a battle.


The pH scale was invented by the Carlsberg brewery.

The pH scale was invented by the Carlsberg brewery.

It was the brainchild of one Søren Sørensen who invented it in 1909 while researching the best proteins, amino acids and enzymes in the Carlsberg brewery laboratory.


In the Californian White Mountains, there are trees older than history.

In the Californian White Mountains, there are trees older than history.

These wise old trees, known as Pinus longaeva, have been aged at up to 5,060+ years old!

Written history is believed to have begun roughly 5,000 years ago – back then these magnificent trees would have just been starting out their long lives!


10 gallons of carrot juice will kill a person.

10 gallons of carrot juice will kill a person.

That is because the Vitamin A content of that much juice is high enough to make your brain swell and kill you, along with a load of nasty other symptoms!

You can also overdose on Vitamin A by eating 1 pound of polar bear liver.


Three types of Australian birds deliberately spread wildfires.

Three types of Australian birds deliberately spread wildfires.

Why would they do that? Well, it’s Australia, what did you expect?!

Black kites, whistling kites and brown falcons all purposefully aid the spread of wildfires by picking up and dropping flaming sticks just so the fire will flush out their prey and make it easier for them to catch.


The Hawaiian flag purposefully looks like a combination of the British and American flags.

The Hawaiian flag purposefully looks like a combination of the British and American flags.

This is because it was designed by then-King Kamehameha I in 1812, and he wanted a flag that would appeal to both the Americans and the British.

Do You Know An Amazing Or Random Facts That We Can Add To This List ? Let Us Know in The Comment Below !

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-Nobel k Sahu


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